Warm up – 15 min warm up pace
250m row or ski / 10 Glute Bridge (pause 3 seconds at top) / 10 V-snaps / 10 Air Squats with rotations
Mobility – 2 min each side deep hip openers keep moving (15-20)
A) Back Squat 8×3 – build to a heavy
rest 2 min between sets (20-40)
B) 12 min – Every 30 seconds switch
- Sit ups
- Burpees
- Double DB Hang Clean and Jerk (40/25)
- rest
Buy in – EA Warm up (0-15)
A) 15 Min HSPU work Kipping and/or Strict (15-30)
B1) Db Bench x8
B2) Strict Pull up x8
rest 2 min
find working weight and do 5-6 sets (30-60)
Buy in – 3 Rounds
15 Banded Good Mornings / 20 Speed Skaters / 10 Suitcase Deadlift per side / 10 Cat Cow (0-15)
Mobility – Hamstring Floss (sit on box with ball or peanut) 2 min each side (15-20)
A) Deadlift 5×5 @moderate/heavy load (20-50)
TNG reps – good control on lower
B) 40-30-20-10
Russian KBS (70/53)
Buy in – 10 Min skipping practice
Start off with some penguin and double penguin taps then grab your rope and get into the skipping
then 2 Rounds
15 PVC Thrusters / 10 per leg Lateral box step up / 1 min wrist stretch
total warm up time 15 min
A) Thruster from rack (15-45)
- Building
- 90 sec rest between sets
B) For time
Power Cleans 95/65 10-1
Double Unders 10-1 x5 (singles x5x2)
Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-15)
10 Squat Jumps / 10 PVC Pass Throughs / 10 Jumping Lunges / 10 PVC Snatch Grip Push Press / 20 Banded Pull Aparts / 10 PVC OHS
A) Power Snatch + OHS
*build to a heavy
*work on landing in the right position to go into your OHS
B) Core Buy out
Heavy Front Rack Holds 4-5×60 sec with 100%+ of your FS 1rm
pick your day!
April 12, 2021